Proof if proof were needed of our watertight recruitment process, AutoPot Watering Systems have hired someone who’s afraid of water! But just how far this ‘H2O-no!’ goes we don’t yet know.
Everyone’s got water preferences of course. Watermelons are admittedly a bit odd, tsunamis are a mixed bag, and not everyone can be bothered putting the kettle on. (Visible) mouthwatering is unsightly, watercolours were a pursuit of Hitler, and what IS a ‘watershed’ anyway? But we draw the line at an aversion to waterwheels! Waterwheels are ace! Swear you love waterwheels Rhiannon Jones!
In truth our newest team member’s talents far exceed her ability to stimulate speculation as to the extent of her aquaphobia. Rhiannon’s our new designer! And, fears-be-damned, she’s making a big splash!
A highly imaginative and creative talent, Rhiannon’s been hard at work and already her output is gracing our social media feeds. This includes the new AutoPot TikTok feed which is her very own dominion. Don’t mess!
Her contributions to campaigns at Glee together with ongoing work on our retail packaging have also proven invaluable. Plenty of fresh perspective and a can-do attitude. Rhiannon, you’re hired! (Although hopefully you’ve grasped that already having attended work over the past few months).
Above Right: This is Rhiannon as you walk towards the office door on your way out.
The real jewel Rhiannon’s crown (she doesn’t always wear it) is her excellent content creation. It’s such a joy to bring someone onboard who’s got the initiative and skills required to get out there and capture the true majesty of a subject. Rhiannon has been doing exactly that, filming and snapping away throughout recent events, grow room projects, and ceremonial visits.
What else can we tell you about Rhiannon? She loves tomatoes, Italian food (some of which contains tomatoes), and music (some of which may or may not contain references to tomatoes).
As well as enjoying spherical things such as tomatoes she likes elliptical things. For instance, the game of rugby is a thing for her. As well as enjoying elliptical things such as rugby Rhiannon enjoys dog-shaped things. For instance, dogs are a thing for her.
Without wanting to conclude this symposium on Rhiannon’s shape-led interests prematurely it’s probably fair to say we should be getting on with something else. Therefore we shall simply say ‘welcome to you, Rhiannon.’ And bid you, dear reader, adieu.