Get More From Your Modules – with PotDivider – Coming Soon!

Could your AutoPot Watering System be any more versatile or capacious? Crazy we know, we had to virtually spit the words out – it hardly seems plausible! But we may just have hit on a way to multiply your joy without increasing system size and without a sizeable outlay. Lend us your undivided attention, for PotDivider. 

Above: Divide and rule – PotDivider in the 8.5 L / 2.2 gal pots of an AQUAvalve5-equipped easy2grow module

Divisible benefits of this innovative insert are clear. Suddenly each of your pots is capable of holding four plants in segregated sections. Excellent for tight-leaved varieties and for herbs, the PotDivider is tailor-made for our 8.5 L / 2.2 gal pots. It will also fit our 15 L / 3.9 gal pots. Both those pot sizes are compatible with our 1Pot, easy2grow, and Auto8 modules – meaning the potential number of applications is immense.

Above: As it comes – PotDivider lifts in and out, slots together, and is disassembled with ease

PotDivider is the perfect means of bringing on young plants to the point at which they are ready to occupy their own pot. It really does ensure AutoPot have all the bases covered for the pre-veg stage. Either use your modules for pre-veg with PotDivider or, if you prefer garden trays, we have an answer for that too in the shape of the redoubtable easy2GO Kit. PotDivider is equally effective with plants that simply don’t require the run of an entire pot. Why not use it to maximise your output per system module – we know we do!

Above: All clear down there, in the cellar! The double floor in the PotDivider removes the need for a layer of pebbles or gravel in the base of the pot

The partitioned pots are easily relieved of their charges when the time is right. The insert lifts out cleanly, bringing your nascent plants with it. Furthermore, the base of PotDivider removes the need for a pebble layer in the bottom of the pot. The process of removing plants and repotting (in the self-same module!) is an absolute cinch. With growing trials completed and production well underway you can relish the prospect of seeing PotDivider on sale early 2021. Ask your local AutoPot stockist and follow our social media feeds for further updates.

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