{"id":30266,"date":"2018-11-22T06:57:48","date_gmt":"2018-11-22T06:57:48","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/autopot.co.uk\/specialist\/?p=30266"},"modified":"2018-11-22T06:57:48","modified_gmt":"2018-11-22T06:57:48","slug":"dave-and-dozzas-viennese-whirl","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/autopot.co.uk\/specialist\/2018\/11\/22\/dave-and-dozzas-viennese-whirl\/","title":{"rendered":"Dave and Dozza’s Viennese Whirl"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

Under the shaky pretext of popping out for cake Dave Gulliver and Dan Dozzini recently left the office and materialised in Vienna<\/a>. So far, so Tuesday, but as it turned out our European and UK Accounts Managers had more than just Sachertorte<\/a> up their sleeves. They were going to visit some of our brightest and best European distributors and stores, join hands with them and bound through the streets to Cultiva Hemp Expo and Cannabis Congress<\/a>, and once there put on a stunning show with outcomes to echo down the ages.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

First stop was Bushdoctor<\/a> – Shop Brunn, one of three Bushdoctor stores in Vienna. This branch commands a plum spot on the Industriestrasse, Number B12 seeing as you asked, and never has a doctor\u2019s premises looked so healthy or full of hydro equipment. Adrian and the team have peppered the place with static and active displays of AutoPot treasure. The care and attention given to the static displays are a treat and it\u2019s a real compliment to us to see the time they\u2019ve invested there. The immaculate active displays show you exactly what you want to see in a shop – that the owners and employees know and trust the systems and that the systems will give you everything you need. Our chaps were delighted to see our large custom Bushdoctor \/ AutoPot banner holding sway over the door. After swanning about a bit, imperiously browsing and deigning to cast a benevolent glance here and there, Dave and Dan got down to final preparations for the Cultiva Show at the EventPyramid. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

Not only is the Brunn Bushdoctor store capacious, swish and easily accessible, it is also the perfect launchpad for the nearby Cultiva Show, wherein AutoPot would have a large presence on Bushdoctor\u2019s stand. And all the people would come to see! But not just yet.<\/p>\n\n\n\n