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Lady Liberty, Central Park, and that there Apple; New York is home to at least three very big green things. Make that four with the coming of CannaCon Northeast, a verily verdant and most timely entry on the cultivation expo circuit.

Getting straight out of the blocks in 2022, AutoPot USA popped their exhibiting socks on and headed over to New York. From their booth at the Javits Center they sent us New Year news from the newest show in newly cultivation legislated New York!

Above: All set, the Montel / AutoPot USA booth at CannaCon Northeast awaits as the show prepares to open

Nick, Manny, and all the team at AutoPot USA had been eagerly awaiting CannaCon, both as a mouthwatering entree for 2022 and given its relevance to forthcoming events. In just a few months home cannabis cultivation will become legal in New York State. Small wonder then, that the show has long been an exciting prospect for growers and horticultural suppliers alike.

Relevance? Nailed on. Add to that New York is a marquee destination; CannaCon could reasonably have expected to attract businesses and visitors on the basis of location alone. It’s not a superficial virtue either. Thanks to New York’s ‘pull’ the show drew attendees from far and wide.

Above: Metropolis. CannaCon’s central New York location serves as a huge pull for visitors and exhibitors.

As APUSA found, unlike many ‘city-shows’, CannaCon isn’t even on the factory fringe, the suburban skirt, the badland boundary, the likeable limits, the p*ss-take perimeter, or indeed the rustic rim. It’s central New York. Plaudits then to the show for doubling down on their location with a dazzling exhibitor roll call of cultivation-related industries on hand to provide the full spectrum of expertise to visitors.

On their booth AutoPot USA fielded enquiries from commercial and home growers alike, with perhaps a slight bias towards the latter. For many of the private individuals with an interest in cultivation the thrill of possibility had been followed by a chill of practicality.

AutoPot Watering Systems integrated with Montel GREENRAK mobile vertical grow rack systems

Where to grow when you have no outdoor space? Where to grow when your available space as no plumbing? How to safely leave a system unattended? What about electricity? Experts at clearly explaining the systems on display, Manny and Nick were able to assuage all these concerns by pointing out the unique virtues of AutoPot irrigation and feeding.

Vertiginous achievements abound in New York City but you can keep ‘em. For our money no towers are more technically accomplished than the Montel GREENRAKS exhibited with AutoPot at CannaCon! Designed specifically for cultivation, these mobile racks have been seamlessly integrated with AutoPot in countless commercial facilities around the world. On the booth they provided a ready riposte to many of the space maximisation and accessibility concerns pitched by large scale growers who stopped by. Manny and Nick had the great pleasure of Zoe Arniotis’ mobile, vertical presence on the booth to explain all on behalf of Montel.

Above L-R: Zoë Arniotis of Montel, Dan Gulliver of First Cross, with Manny and Nick of AutoPot USA

Inevitably some little Herbert comes up and starts sharing his own extensive experience of AutoPot with other visitors and inevitably that little Herbert is actually one of the finest finer minds in cultivation and is actually no less than Dan Gulliver, formerly of this parish. No, it was with intense joy that Nick and Manny welcomed ‘Ant-Man’ Dan, founder of First Cross Consultants, onto the booth. He’s been quietly working away on some spectacular horticultural enterprises of late. Invigorating top brands with his rarefied industry acumen: Tick! Creating bespoke cultivation facilities of profitable wonder: Tick! Lording it up all over Manhattan like Culkin in Home Alone 2: Tick, Tick, Tick!

Above: Where better to explore cultivation! See you next year at CannaCon Northeast

All in all an interesting trip. And when the working day is done you’re in New York! A frostily stunning NYC at that; all low sun, yellowing blue skies, crisp air, and iron majesty. Sample awhile and then step into somewhere warm and entertaining, what more could you ask for! Join the guys there next year, CannaCon Northeast is definitely one for the show list in 2023.

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