For the fifth year running the AutoPot easy2grow systems were exhibited at the West Dean Chilli Fiesta by Inner Garden. The weekend was a huge success, with the festival growing in size and attendees every year. AutoPot was so well received the stand entirely ran out of brochures, with new brochures having to be delivered to restock the AutoPot area for the 19,000 visitors over the weekend. The AutoPot easy2grow system is the perfect system for chilli growing, as the below photo shows we had superb results with a range of chilli varieties in our trials.
In 2010 AutoPot ran a farm trial in Oxfordshire growing chillies in the easy2grow system, using 60 pots with astonishing results. We produced seventy five kilos of chillies over a seven month period, growing the Super Thai Chilli variety. We had a two month cropping period from August to October, with the plants being potted up in April. To view a range of photos and videos detailing the trial over seven months please do take a look here. Chillies are extremely easy to grow as they are a bush like format, low maintenance and therefore AutoPot provides everything required for a superb crop.
A recent AutoPot competition winner was a chilli company called PeepsTreats, they won an 8Pot system with 100 litre waterbutt and have now established their chilli varieties using AutoPot. Peeps Treats grow a range of chillies to then produce their own chilli condiments and sauces. They are having great results with the 1Pot system and in the next newsletter we will be bringing you news of their AutoPot chilli growing, watch this space!